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Article 370 Verdict - Supreme Court Calls for Restoration of J&K Statehood

 Article 370 Verdict - Supreme Court Calls for Restoration of J&K Statehood The Supreme Court of India has recently passed a monumental verdict on Article 370, calling for the restoration of statehood and an elected government in Jammu and Kashmir. This landmark judgment has major implications for the future of J&K as well as center-state relations in India. Introduction to Article 370 and its Abrogation Article 370 was a constitutional provision that granted special autonomous status to Jammu and Kashmir. Under this article, J&K had its constitution, flag, and autonomy over all matters barring defense, communications, and foreign affairs. However, in August 2019, the central BJP-led government unilaterally abolished Article 370 through a presidential order. J&K was also bifurcated into two union territories - Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh. This move was extremely controversial with opposition parties calling it 'unconstitutional'. Key High...

Some of the Cool Tricks About Google.

Some of the Cool Tricks About Google. 


01. If you Search 🔎 in Google by writing 'Google in 1998' then you will find 1998 Google search with that time speed. The result will be visible.

Google old icon

02. If you write 'Shake it Trick' on Google then, A song will start playing on YouTube, And the whole screen will start shaking .


03. If you want to play time pass game, then this trick is a wonderful trick because If you search Atari Breakout on Google, then a game will come, in which, You can pass the time well.

Google Search

04. Do you know Google also plays guitar. Yes, don't worry it is true and if you want to know then search on google '' Google guitar'' then open the link given at the top after which you will find Guitar in the search then see what happens.

Google seo


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